This exhibition, which was organized in order to ensure the implementation of the plan of cultural leisure activities for the children of military personnel and employees of the Armed Forces, will show the great contribution of the multinational people of Uzbekistan to the victory in the Second World War, both at the front and behind the front, in the battles. detailed information was given about the heroism of our compatriots.Also, the employees of the mobile exhibition department D.D. Nasirov, S.D. Nasirova displayed exhibits belonging to the participants of the Second World War, orders and medals of the participants of the war, military uniforms, and photos. In this event, which made a great impression on the children, the information published in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd volumes of the book-album of Uzbekistan during the Second World War and its main idea were explained. During the event, various quizzes were organized among young people, and the participants who answered correctly were given certificates of honor and souvenirs. Such events are ongoing.