The Memorial Complex includes a park area and a museum of Victory “Shon-sharaf”. The park area is 14,5 hec. The Victory park is divided into thematic areas.
The Central alley Along the central alley there are panels (stone bas-reliefs) depicting the events of the World War II, which reflect the heroism, hard work, courage and bravery, tolerance and unwavering devotion of the people of Uzbekistan at the front and behind the front. The area of horrors of the war are compositions that will tell us about tragic events that took place during the World War II, which increase feelings of hatred for crimes and atrocities committed against humanity, they call us to constant vigilance.
In Second World War was fought by air, water and land. The sight of a German plane which was shot down in this area is a symbol of the destruction of fascism that is trying to dust our peaceful and clear skies.
In the horror zone of war, you can walk through trenches, machine-gun firing positions and look into the dugout.
to convey to our people and future generations the great contribution of Uzbekistan to the victory over fascism.
There is an observation platform above the museum, which can be climbed and descended along a circular path. Along the edges of this path there are plaques with the names of the participants in the battles who were awarded the title of Hero. 301 representatives of Uzbekistan became Heroes of the Soviet Union, and 70 were awarded the Order of Glory of all three degrees.
Above the museum stands the monument “Eternal feat”, erected in honor of General Sabir Rakhimov, all the brave and courageous sons and daughters of Uzbekistan.
A source of pride for the fearless, brave and courageous commanders and warriors. to always learn from their courage, to feel that we are one of the greatest nations in the world, to awaken a sense of pride and pride in being a child of this land.
Uzbekistan had become the largest evacuation center. It took over about a hundred industrial enterprises: Leningrad Textile Machinery Plant, Rostselmash, “Krasniy Aksay”, Sumy Compressor and Dnepropetrovsk Carborundum Plants of “Electro cable”, Stalingrad Chemical Plant, Moscow Plants “Podyomnik”, “Electrostanok”, Aviation Plant named after V. Chkalov and others. In December 1941, 137 enterprises were in Tashkent and 64 of them produced military products. The Uzbek industry provided the front with 2,100 aircrafts, 17,342 aircraft engines, 17,100 mortars, 22 million mines, 560,000 shells, more than 2 million aerial bombs, about 1 million grenades, 330,000 parachutes, 5 armored trains, 18 military ambulance trains, etc.
Uzbekistan saved more than 1.5 million people evacuated here from starvation and death. Among them there were more than 250 thousand orphans of different nationalities, taken out of the sieged Leningrad, Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. An artistic and memorial composition reflecting the territorial structure of Uzbekistan during the World war II and nowadays.
The museum consists of five sections, its total area is 38,002 m2.
Documents and photographs of the war years were selected while creating the museum. Based on the archival materials studied, new evidence was received about the participation of the people of Uzbekistan in World War II, which replenished the museum fund. Now there are more than 20,000 exhibits in the museum.
The museum presents unique, rare materials: front-line newsreels, documents from the archives of Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus and other countries of the Commonwealth, recollections of World War II participants and labor veterans, evidence of the dedication of the people of Uzbekistan at the front and rear, of high humanism, generosity and mercy shown to thousands of people, orphans evacuated during the war in Uzbekistan. They talk about the unprecedented feat of our fathers and grandfathers in freeing the world from Nazism.