The next scientific-practical conference was held at the
On November 30 of this year, in the conference hall of the "Shon-sharaf" state museum under the "Victory Garden" memorial complex, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the "Victory Garden" memorial complex under the Ministry of Defense, on the topic "Uzbekistan and the people of Uzbekistan during the Second World War: scientific research" Republican scientific-practical conference was held.
30 Nov
Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin visited Uzbekistan
Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, visited Uzbekistan. During the visit, he got acquainted with the activities of the "Victory Park" memorial complex in our capital and the "Shon-Sharaf" state museum.
28 Nov
A delegation led by Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov, Governor of the Russian Federation of Saint Petersburg, visited Uzbekistan
During the visit to Uzbekistan, the delegation led by the Governor of the Russian Federation Saint-Petersburg, Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov, got acquainted with the activity of the "Victory Garden" memorial complex located in the Almazor district of our capital.
07 Nov
Memorial complex
In recent years, systematic work has been carried out in our country to train qualified and mature personnel, provide them with comprehensive support, improve their quality of training, who have mastered modern information and innovative technologies, the process of mutual integration of education, science and museums, as well as further development of students' creativity.
02 Nov
Patriotic events continue in the
On October 29 of this year, students of the patriotic sports groups "Yosh Temurbeklar" and "Alpomish okuv-sport" operating in Almazor and Chilonzor districts of our capital, as well as NTM "Academ Plus" Young rescue military patriotism at school 351 located in Sergeli district, at the "Victory Garden" memorial complex. club listeners made a "Solemn promise". It was attended by the leadership of the "Victory Park" memorial complex, workers and employees of the Armed Forces, military personnel, parents of future defenders of the homeland, and a group of students.
29 Oct
The short film
Tarixni chuqurroq anglamay turib, mustahkam kelajakni barpo etib boʻlmaydi. Bugungi kunda yurtimizda ertamiz egalarini har tomonlama komil va barkamol insonlar boʻlib voyaga yetishlari yoʻlida keng koʻlamli ishlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Jumladan, poytaxtimizning Olmazor tumanida barpo etilgan “Gʻalaba bogʻi” yodgorlik majmuasi oʻtmish va bugunni bogʻlab turuvchi, shu bilan birga, tinchlik va osoyishtalikni qadriga yetish, jonajon va aziz vatanimizga sadoqat bilan xizmat qilish, ajdodlarimizning vatan tinchligini asrab avaylash yoʻlida koʻrsatgan jasoratini yurakdan his qilish va ularga munosib davomchi boʻlishga undovchi muazzam maskanga aylandi.
26 Oct
Three-generation meetings held throughout the Republic of Karakalpakstan in cooperation with the "Victory Garden" memorial complex under the Ministry of Defense, the North-Western Military District Command, the "VETERAN" association of combatants and veterans and disabled people of Uzbekistan are held in general education school No. 4 in Karaozak district and specialized school No. 18 in Tortkol district.
09 Oct
The meeting of three generations was organized in the spirit of patriotism
"The courage of our ancestors will forever be in our hearts"
20 Sep
The Victory Park memorial complex was visited by a delegation of professors and lecturers from the prestigious Israeli Holon Institute of Technology and Ariel University.
11 Sep
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