The presentation of the book-album
An event dedicated to the presentation of the book-album "30 years to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was held in the meeting hall of the "Shon-sharaf" state museum near the "Victory Park" memorial complex.
06 Jul
Veterans of labor visited the memorial complex
In order to provide comprehensive support to the elderly, improve their living standards, increase the social activity of the elderly and veterans in our country, various cultural and educational events are held in the Nuroniylar Maskani complex and mahallas.
29 Jun
June 27 - Day of Press and Mass Communications Workers, a solemn event dedicated to this holiday was held in the Memorial Complex
The State Museum "Shon-Sharaf" at the Memorial Complex "Victory Park" hosted a solemn event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the newspaper "Vatanparvar" - the Central print edition of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the Day of Press and Media Workers.
24 Jun
Guests from Italy Doctor of Historical Sciences Marta Tongiani and cultural historian Federica Vinale visited Uzbekistan
June 17 this year our country was visited by doctor of historical sciences Marta Tongiani and cultural historian Federica Viñale.
17 Jun
We are children capable of preserving the peace of the Motherland
A group of students of the Tashkent Islamic University visited the memorial complex "Victory Park". First, They laid a wreath at the monument in honor of Zulfiya Zokirova and her daughters-in-law.
15 Jun
Delegation of the Pakistani Armed Forces visited the Victory Park memorial complex
A delegation of teachers and students from the National Defense University of the Pakistan Armed Forces visited Uzbekistan.
09 Jun
As part of the month of youth, the memorial complex
As part of the Youth Month, our future generation gets acquainted with the activities of the Victory Park memorial complex.
06 Jun
Prospects for international cooperation and development
As you know, our country hosted an international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "The role of the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in ensuring sustainable development in Central Asia".
01 Jun
We are happy children!
June 1 - International Children's Day is widely celebrated in about 50 countries around the world.
30 May
Interdepartmental exhibition-competition
The interdepartmental exhibition competition "Service Dogs 2022" was organized in the amphitheater of the Victory Park memorial complex.
28 May
A commemorative plate was installed in the Victory Park memorial complex as a token of gratitude from the State of Israel
It is known that the people of Uzbekistan, despite the terrible days that fell to their lot during the Great Patriotic War, showed endless examples of philanthropy and selflessness at the front and in the rear.
26 May
It is a great honor for us to be worthy heirs of our ancestors
The Central Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan and the Memorial Complex "Victory Garden" at a high level organize events to improve the efficiency of state youth policy, a number of events are held to foster love for the Motherland and devotion to one's work. ideas of independence.
24 May
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