We felt we were on the field of heroes
"Victory Park" through the eyes of military personnel
21 May
On the 15th May of current year in the memorial complex "Victory Park" in the participation of members of the children's schools "Barkamol avlod" in Tashkent, competition was held on the theme: "The II World War and the Uzbek people's contribution to the great victory over fascism", as well as, drawing competition under the motto: "Clear sky".
15 May
The memorial complex
On April 27, in the assembly hall of the State Museum of Glory of the Victory Park memorial complex, the third international scientific conference was held on the topic: "The incomparable courage of the multinational people of Uzbekistan at the front and behind the front during the Second World War: history, interpretation, technology."
27 Apr
honored war veterans
The homeland is sacred, and its peace is a great blessing. It is the duty of each of us to protect and respect devoted patriots who are ready to give their lives, especially for the peace of our Motherland.
03 Apr
Visiting a War Veteran
The staff of the memorial complex "Victory Park" visited the house of the participant of the Great Patriotic War Fedin Fedor Semenovich, who lives in the Yashnabad district of our capital, and received information about the condition of his father-veteran.
30 Mar
It's better to see once than hear a thousand times
The trip of military servicemen of the Border Troops to the memorial complex "Victory Park" was full of impressions.
27 Mar
Young people from the Syrdarya went to the Victory Park
From early morning the memorial complex "Victory Park" in our capital is filled with our compatriots.
24 Mar
Strengthening international cooperation relations
“Uzbekistan-Belarus; A round table was held on the theme "30 years in the tradition of friendship, trust and partnership."
16 Mar
The hosts of tomorrow went to the Victory Park memorial complex
Motherland is a sacred place. We are all equally responsible for its peace and tranquility.
15 Mar
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