Loving a country is the highest happiness
It is known that in recent years various spiritual, educational and patriotic events have been held aimed at educating young people in the spirit of loyalty to the Motherland, growing them up in all respects.
26 Sep
The patriotic event was held in Victory Park at a high level
Today, at the Victory Park memorial complex, located in our capital, a solemn ceremony was held to present the “Support for the Motherland” emblem and certificates to members of the military-patriotic movement of children and teenagers “Support for the Motherland.”
20 Sep
A methodical meeting is being held with the participation of officers of personnel bodies
“Gʻalaba bog‘i” yodgorlik majmuasi huzuridagi “Shon-sharaf” davlat muzeyining majlislar zalida Mudofaa vazirligi Toifalangan ob’yektlarni qo‘riqlash qo‘shinlari qo‘mondonligi tomonidan kadrlar organlari ofiserlari ishtirokida uslubiy yig‘in o‘tkazildi.
13 Sep
Defenders of the country visited the Victory Park memorial complex
Military units located in the city of Tashkent of the Ministry of Defense made a personal visit to the Victory Park memorial complex and the Shon-Sharaf state museum.
08 Sep
A place that has become a favorite for young people
The memorial complex "Victory Park" was built not long time ago, but has already become a favorite place for our compatriots.
06 Aug
Foreign cooperation relations are stabling
Delegation which consists of the officers of the National defense college of the Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Bangladesh visited to Uzbekistan.
01 Aug
Officers of the National Defense Academy of China visited Victory Park.
In recent years, a number of measures have been implemented in our country to strengthen friendly relations between peoples, develop people's diplomacy, and international tourism.
17 Jul
Remko Reiding visited the Victory Park memorial complex
Dutch journalist and historian Remko Reiding visited the Victory Park memorial complex.
07 Jul
In the memorial complex
On July 3 this year, a meeting on cybersecurity was organized in the assembly hall of the Shon-Sharaf State Museum.
04 Jul
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