Foreign cooperation relations; prospects of friendship and solidarity
The delegation led by the Minister of Emergency Situations Republic of China Wang Xiangxi, who was a guest in our country, visited the "Victory Park" memorial complex under the Ministry of Defense.
05 Jul
The leader of the most advanced primary organization
The leaders of the primary organization of the military unit within the command of all districts competed for the victory under 3 conditions.        In each condition, the leaders of the youth union in the military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense reflect their activities, the work and suggestions they have made regarding the popularization of their best practices and their implementation in the troops of the Ministry of Defense in the future, at the same time, the referees demonstrated his knowledge of quick and complete answers to the questions asked by the panel.
05 Jul
The winners of the international contest
Within the framework of the "Youth Month", which is widely celebrated in our country, there are many pageants, spiritual and educational evenings, promoting the ideas of military patriotism among not only the youth of our country, but also among the youth of talented foreign countries events were held.
30 Jun
On June 28 of this year, the "Leader and Youth" meeting was held with the participation of the leadership of the "Ozarkhiv" agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the meeting hall of the "Shon-Sharaf" state museum near the "Victory Garden" memorial complex.
28 Jun
Skills for instilling the
In particular, modern anti-corruption mechanisms have been widely introduced in state bodies and organizations, and effective measures are being taken to ensure transparency in their activities and increase accountability to the public.
28 Jun
Mobile exhibitions were organized at the children's camp
Mobile exhibitions were organized by the "Glory" state museum at the "Victory Park" memorial complex for the children who are resting in the "Tong" children's rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Defense, located in the Bostonliq district of the Tashkent region.
24 Jun
Let's unite the youth of new Uzbekistan
On the occasion of June 30 Youth Day, a festive event was held in the "Victory Park" memorial complex under the slogan "Unite the youth of Uzbekistan".About 4,000 owners of our estates took part in this holiday event, which was organized in cooperation with the Almazor district administration and the "Victory Garden" memorial complex.
24 Jun
Impressions of South Korean guests
"Victory Garden" memorial complex is becoming a favorite place not only of our compatriots, but also of guests visiting our country from foreign countries.
13 Jun
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