Sports marathon under the motto
A sports marathon under the motto "I am a winner" started in Victory Park.
15 May
A competition of drawings
Creation and support of socio-economic, legal and organizational conditions for the social formation and development of youth in our country, the full realization of its creative potential in the interests of society, as well as their provision is a priority of the state youth policy in Uzbekistan.
14 May
May 9 - Day of memory and honors was widely celebrated
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Victory Park on the occasion of May 9 - the Day of Memory and Honor. The military band performed “The Song of Memory”. The head of state laid a wreath at the Matonat Madhyasi memorial complex on the territory of the complex.
09 May
We will be worthy heirs to our ancestors!
On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Honor on May 9, in the memorial complex "Victory Garden" with the participation of the students of the 2nd and 4th grades of the comprehensive school named after Mirzo Ulugbek in Tashkent, under the motto "We will be worthy heirs to our ancestors", the event was held in the spirit.
04 May
The memorial complex
The conference hall of the State Museum "Glory" in Victory Park hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Contribution of Uzbeks to the Victory in World War II".
29 Apr
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko visited Victory Park
As part of his visit to our country, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, accompanied by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov, visited the Victory Park memorial complex in Tashkent.
24 Apr
A scientific-practical conference was organized to train young people in military affairs and the rules of Amir Temur
Employees of the scientific department of the State Museum "Shon Sharaf" of the memorial complex "Victory Park" Sharof Rakhimov and Zinnur Bozorov took part in the Republican scientific and practical conference online on the topic: "Problems and solutions of modern methods of teaching military skills and the rules of our great ancestor Sahibkiran Amir Temur at the Temurbek School and military academic lyceums.
21 Apr
A meeting was held on the topic
In accordance with the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Notary Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a training seminar and a round table on the topic “Improving the legal culture in society” were held in Victory Park
01 Apr
Teachers are treated with respect and dignity
The State Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan solemnly celebrated the 65th anniversary of the master singer, of the Republic of Uzbekistan Marat Khakimov.
30 Mar
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